March Magic Days 26 - 31

Get as creative as you like on this one! Draw and map out significant key events to you up to where you are now. I'm not talking about what the world deems significant, but happenings down to just a quote that turned things around for you. 

Each event can be represented by an image, such as a flower of mountain. 

Finally, paste your wish onto where you are now, saying your affirmation as you do. 


Clean out one area in your home (I'm not talking about full on cleaning). This is a symbolic act so it could be just cleaning a cluttered draw. As you do, focus and visualise that you're making room for your dream. Tell it it is welcome and you have prepared a place for it.


Do your visualization. This place you go to in your visualizing should now be familiar to you. This is a scientific as well as magical exercise as you are re-wiring parts of your brain. This time, think of one thing, within your visualizing, you can do to flow out in gratitude for having received your dream. Imagine you are living your dream and you are blessing someone for example. Journal your experience.

Day 29 SIGNS

Have there been any? If so, journal them. If not, read about synchronicities and reflect on how you can be more open to, aware of them.


There's power in agreement. Today, we as a group come together in one big push to birth our dreams. Call us spiritual midwives. Come together and agree to stand with one another in full support of our dreams. Journal your declaration and date it.


We have created fertile soil for our dreams and wishes. If it hasn't come to pass yet, it will if we carry on cultivating and nurturing it. This also means cultivating our own growth.

How is the seed doing? Continue to nurture it as symbolic of how you will continue to nurture your dream.


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