FEBRUARY L.I.F.E - Set Your Intentions Part 1

What a month January was! So many unexpected things happened. This has had a huge impact on my intentions and goals. I guess the best word to describe the impact is 'Distracted'.
It figures that one of my main intentions was to NOT get distracted! However, I'm reminded that the thing you want to change is the thing you will be tested on! 

I was also tested in another area...sticking to the promises I made to myself. That I passed, but at a cost. 

One of the problems I had was getting side tracked by drama, both online and in the physical world. Also by failing to keep a solid plan and therefore it was easier for me to become distracted. I desperately did not want to have another month like it so I had a crises talk with myself.

At that same time, more drama blew up and that was it. I left online groups, did a cull on my Facebook profile and started daily consistent 15 minute meditation. The immediate difference it made on my time and psychologically was phenomenal. The best way to describe it is like weeds suddenly took over everything you were focusing on and in one fell swoop they were cleared and you could suddenly see all the things you lost sight of. In that moment it's like a revelation. A revelation in the importance of time management.

Just a couple of days later and in one day I received, from different sources, a watch, a card saying "Time is precious, waste it wisely" and a gift of a time management course! The said card came a day after I made the logo for this post and the person couldn't possibly have seen it, yet look how similar it is...

Other sychronocities happened too, much to long to list here. 

Your Journal Prompt

So this months topic is being split into two. Part one is a self assessment in order to give you what you will need for part two. 

With a minimum of 20 minutes quiet undisturbed time, journal in hand, think back to what was really important to you at the beginning of the year and what your intentions were. Then answer the following questions;

  • Who were you taking inspiration from? Have you ventured away from their input into your life? Do you think you need to get back to them?
  • Have you let your planning slip? 
  • What have been your main distractions and what have they distracted you from. Remember, not all distractions are bad in and of themselves, it could just be a question of time management.
  • What distractions would you label toxic to your life? How can you remove them? For example, I left groups full of drama and negativity.
  • Taking your answers write down a list of words and affirmations that reflect what your want to focus on. Around three or five of each will do. These are what you will need for the next post. 


Other supplies you will need for next week will be;
  • blank tags, watercolour card, or index cards.
  • Any of the following: Watercolours, paint, crayons, pens, pencils...basically a writing implement and anything to decorate your card.
Remember to also journal your progress throughout each month. Give yourself frequent self assessments and make the changes you feel you need to make. Note also sychronocities, answers to prayer (if you're so inclined), dreams fulfilled, etc. Don't forget to share them in the group to encourage others! 

Part Two coming soon! 


  1. Such a brilliant post, and yes drama does distract us, or show us what we need to get rid of, and what to focus on. I’ve all but left Facebook (I just go on to your page and one other) and I now have peace. I’ve let mum go, and it’s helping. Thanks for the brilliant prompts, I’ll be doing them later. And I’ve had synchronicity this month too, but yours is breathtaking!

    Thanks for guiding us, you’re a light.

    Cheryl Turtlemoon xx


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