This Is Me - Week One, Day One: Your Script

*Challenge continued Here.

Something I've found every month, when setting a challenge, is overwhelm and confusion when it comes to pursuing our dreams and the life we want, because people simply don't know what it is they want. This is mostly down to the fact that we have never made the space for this due to limited thinking. 

This month that all changes.

For one month we will be focusing in on ourselves...on who we want to be, how we want to live, and pull down the strongholds of limited beliefs!

We will be taking baby steps, however this is crucial to uncovering what it is we truly want our lives to be.

So grab your chosen journal & index card and begin.

Index Card Tracker

Take your index card or equivalent, and draw up the month to view. Next you can embellish it with washi and stickers, like so;

Each day you complete a prompt, you can mark it off on your tracker, awarding yourself a sticker if you want! Yeay for stickers!

I downloaded my from here. 

Your Script

We all have core beliefs for every topic you can imagine. For example;

  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Work
  • Money...
The list goes on. These core beliefs, put together, form your life's script. 

Today, make a list of topics,(*either on a page you don't mind ripping out, or on a separate piece of paper), listing as many as you can think of, but especially the ones above, and put a brief one liner (or more if you wish), of your core beliefs about each one of them.

For example:

Money - You can't be wealthy & spiritual.


Health - Doctors are always right.

Fortunately, my journal has a pocket, so I will keep both my tracker and list in there;

Tomorrow, we will be working on this list.

*This part will become clear later in the month. If you use a page of your journal, be sure not to start anything new on the other side, as you won't want to tear that from your journal.


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